Friday, December 23, 2011

Girl, That Ain't Yo Man, That's Community Penis (lmao)

Stop stating claim to community penis. What is community penis you ask?

Community Penis [kuh-myoo-ni-tee,  pee-nis] - a single, unattached man who freely  roams any given social space providing sexual intercourse without the worry of repercussion.

You know the great thing about community penis? It belongs to everybody! He's not your man. You share that man! So why are these young ladies out here stating claim to penis that everyone is free to get? When you hit it he was community dick and when she hit it he was still community dick. Do you have the title and registration on that dick? Do you have a deed on that dick? No? So that is not your dick to claim. It never was. You were for fun. When the ride is over you get off and let the next girl have a try. Mind your manners and share your toys.

These misguided young ladies are out here on some "I had that dick first" mess. Look, lets talk about who HASN'T had that dick & keep the convo short. You didn't pop the cherry, it wasn't yours first. You were just another girl to share the experience that subsequently we all have. It be like that. Consider that some good old fashioned Peach Street dick. Or some MLK Blvd dick if you will. But YOURS? Never was.

What I will truly never understand are the women who get mad at other women when they found out that they have shared the same penis. How can you be upset? When a guy and his homie and their homie and his homie's brother all hit the same broad they never get angry at each other. In fact they dap each other and compare notes. So why do we fight over something we never owned in the first place? What we should do as women is stop attaching ourselves to men who aren't attaching themselves to us. Once we begin to do this we'll stop getting hurt every time we see another woman run up on "our" dick. Then maybe we'll stop claiming community dick. It's everybody's!

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